How to increase your independent skills as designer

Knowledge and skills

Like any professional, a designer must have a certain set of skills and knowledge. This includes theoretical knowledge, tools in which the designer works, and specialized skills (eg, motion design).

The value of this component is proportional to the time required to acquire this knowledge and skills.
How to improve:

"Sharpen the dust" - constantly practice and improve your skills. Read, watch and listen - improve "visibility", subscribe to blogs, channels and publications for designers.
Work with modern tools. If your current project does not use new tools, start a personal project and try a new one.
Take long-term courses. Gain knowledge that will be useful in your profession and add value to you.
See how others "sell" themselves - what knowledge they have, what methodologies they use, in what programs they work. Find gaps in your theoretical knowledge and fill them.


English can certainly be attributed to knowledge, but the importance of this point, in my opinion, deserves a separate category. Now in Ukraine in many companies knowledge of English is included in the list of the main requirements to the designer.

And of course, with the knowledge of the language you have an open road to the world – you can significantly increase your check by finding a Western employer. An additional advantage will be the opportunity to work on foreign freelance exchanges.
How to improve:

Learning a language takes time, so don't put it off until tomorrow. Take courses, find a tutor or go to a speaking club.
One of the great options is to find a job in a foreign company. You will be motivated by the need to perform tasks using English.

Works and experience

Where you have worked – in what position, in what projects, what your contribution has been, what you can demonstrate in terms of results – for many employers and customers is a decisive factor in choosing a designer. And this is what, unlike knowledge and skills, is the easiest to test.
How to improve:

Find a project you can be proud of. Work on personal and open-source projects in your spare time. Collect works in a portfolio, making them in a case-study.

Achievements and fame

Your popularity in the professional community and the awards you receive can have a very positive effect on both your value and the likelihood that you will be approached with a good offer.
How to improve:

Participate in competitions.
Share your experience - speak, write, become an expert and form your personal brand.

Soft Skills

Be a good person.

Think about who you would hire yourself? Does this person want to learn, open to new knowledge, independent, able to work in a team? Highlight a few key skills. Find them in yourself.
How to improve:

Talk to recruiters. Ask how they would like to see the ideal candidate?
Go for an interview. Analyze your answers. Think about how you answered the questions. How did you look in the eyes of your counterpart?


No one will pay you more than you ask.
The only way to get the desired amount of compensation is to invite it with confidence. Don’t think about whether you will be paid or not. Your task is to voice this figure.

The ability to sell yourself, your charisma and persuasiveness – this is your main lever in increasing your value.
How to improve:

Form for yourself as much as you want. For the most modest, I suggest adding another 20%. Get used to this figure. Write it down on paper. Say it out loud. You don't trade - you don't need less. Forward!

On completion

My experience shows that a significant increase in value is possible only when moving to another company. And this is much easier than asking for a raise. So practice – go to interviews and periodically enter the labor market.